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after effect etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

18 Ocak 2018 Perşembe

After Effect Undulations Expression | Dalgalanma Efekti

Kod Kullanımı:
Aşağıdaki 1. kod gurubunu kopyalayıp After Effect te herhangibir objenin Transform > Position > Expression alanına yapıştırın. 2. kod gurubunu Rotation > Expression alanına yapıştırın bukadar.

After Effect Expression Nasıl Kullanılır?

Not: Expression paneli Position için başında bulunan iconu ALT a basarak tıklayınca açılır.

Undulations Expression | Dalgalanma Kodu

You can use these wave exressions to simulate an undulating surface .
Apply the following expression to the position property of an object:
xAmp = 3; //height of undulations (pixels) 
xFreq = .3; //undulations per second 
xSpeed = 150; //speed of wave (pixels per second) 
wl = xSpeed/xFreq; //wavelength (pixels) 
phaseOffset = ((position[0]%wl)/wl)*2*Math.PI; 
y = xAmp*Math.sin(2*Math.PI*xFreq*time + phaseOffset); value + [0,y]

Apply this expression to the rotation porperty: 
xFreq = .3; //undulations per second 
xSpeed = 150; //speed of wave (pixels per second) 
damping = 15; //undulation damping factor 
wl = xSpeed/xFreq; //wavelength (pixels) 
phaseOffset = ((position[0]%wl)/wl)*2*Math.PI; 
theta = Math.atan(Math.cos(2*Math.PI*xFreq*time + phaseOffset)); 

Adjust xAmp, xFreq, xSpeed, and damping to control the speed and depth of the undulations.

Note that the expressions take into account the original position of the objects, so that objects spread out in the x direction will react at different times as the wave passes by.

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